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Why the Ladybug?


Most of us can recall the childhood nursery rhyme "Lady Bug , Ladybug"


 " Ladybug, Lady bug fly away home

Your house is on fire an your children are alone"


However are you aware where this medieval nursery rhyme came from? 


According to lore in medieval Europe when farmers found aphids invading their grapevines, they sent up prayers to  their  Holy Mother Mary for help. 


These prayers were answered when thousands of tiny red beetles appeared and ate all the aphids.      The farmers named the beetles in honor of Mary, also known as “Our Lady”. 


Later they would become Ladybugs or Ladybirds.


Earlier legends place Ladybugs as a symbol of Hope & Luck throughout the world across cultures.


I have chosen the ladybug because of the Ladybug's symbol of hope. 

In Jesus we have HOPE!

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